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Castle Hill High School



A message for all students

At Castle Hill High School, we want to make sure that you feel looked after, safe and happy when you are in and out of school.

Sometimes we don’t know if something bad is happening, so you need to tell us.

Our Anti-Bullying Policy looks at bullying, and what you can do when you feel you are being bullied, or when you notice someone else being bullied.

We can help you by:

  • Helping you to understand what bullying is.
  • Teaching you what to do if you feel you are being bullied, or if someone else is being bullied.
  • Telling you names of adults that you can speak to.

You can read the policy by clicking on the link below:

Anti-Bullying Policy for students

If you have any questions about this policy, or ideas for how it could be made even better, then see Mrs Hudson.

You can also make suggestions to the Pupil Support Team or any adult in school.


We want everyone to feel happy and safe in school.

If you're ever worried about bullying it's important that you let a member of staff know so that it can be dealt with. You can do this by talking to:

  • your form teacher
  • PUPIL SUPPORT - Miss Stonier, Mr Adie, Mrs Sanderson or Miss Breeze or Mr Howes
  • any teacher
  • any teaching assistant
  • any other adult in school

Or you could ask a friend you trust to talk to an adult in school for you.

Or you could put a note in our Concerns Box near Mrs Hudson's office.

As soon as we know about it we can start making things better.


What is bullying?

"Bullying is the, wilful, conscious desire to threaten, intimidate or hurt someone, which may be repeated over time, which involves a real or perceived power imbalance"

Basically, this means that a bully is someone who hurts another person usually more than once, by using behaviour which is meant to scare, hurt or upset that person.

It might help to use the word ‘STOP’ to identify bullying:





It is important to remember that single problems and falling out with friends are not usually bullying.

Bullying is behaviour which is usually repeated on purpose and is meant to upset someone.


Useful websites

If you click on this link you'll find a list of anti-bullying websites: Anti-bullying websites

There are also a few other websites that give advice about bullying on the 'Useful Websites' page in the 'Students' section of this website.

You can view the Anti-Bullying presentation used in form time during Anti-Bullying Week here: Presentation

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