What is Wellbeing & Mental Health?
Wellbeing is defined as the state of feeling comfortable, healthy or happy. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose and being able to manage general life stresses
Wellbeing means:
- Being happy and confident and not anxious or depressed.
- Having the ability to problem-solve, manage emotions, experience empathy, being resilient and attentive.
- Having good relationships with others and not having behavioural problems - that is not being disruptive, violent or a bully.
Wellbeing also includes:
- Having a sense of meaning or purpose.
- Being successful/having a sense of achievement.
- Having a sense of control.
- Giving and receiving attention and being validated.
Our commitment
At Castle Hill we are committed to a whole school approach to Wellbeing.
The emotional health and wellbeing (EHWB) of everyone in the care of Castle Hill School is fundamental to our vision and our daily running. We believe it promotes school improvement and success in a multitude of ways:
- Pupils are more engaged in their learning
- Improved standards in all subjects
- More effective teaching
- Parents and Carers are more involved in school life and learning
- Pupils with high self-esteem and confidence
- Improved behaviour and attendance
- Fewer disengaged pupils
- Lower rates of persistent absence
- Positive and effective relationships between staff and pupils
- Positive impact on recruitment
We believe that positive emotional mental health and wellbeing creates happier, motivated staff and pupils who strive to get the most out of life.
We all have Mental Health
This animation was developed in collaboration with young people, teachers and mental health experts. The animation aims to give young people (and us all):
- Consistent and accessible language to talk about mental health
- A better understanding of mental health self-care
- To know who to ask for support when it is needed
Talking Mental Health
Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond.
The Talking Mental Health animation aims to give children:
- An understanding of what mental health is and the difference between every day small feelings and a big feeling
- Consistent and accessible language to talk about mental health
- An understanding of how to be a good listener