We expect the support and co-operation of parents and carers in ensuring that their child complies with our very reasonable uniform code.
All Year 7-11 students are expected to wear school uniform.
Our uniform comprises of:
- Black trousers (not trackies), or
- Black skirt
- White school shirt (including polo shirts)
- Navy sweatshirt or jumper
- A school blazer (optional)
- Plain black shoes or trainers (no logos or coloured stripes/laces etc.)
You can buy blazers, sweatshirts and polo shirts with the school logo on, from our supplier, Warrens, via their website:
We stress however, that items do not have to be purchased from this supplier. Any plain navy blue sweatshirt/jumper and white shirt or polo shirt is fine.
The following are NOT allowed in school:
- Facial piercings
- Exposed body piercings
- Jewellery (one pair of stud earrings is allowed)
- Oversized hair accessories
- Excessive make-up
- False nails
- Extreme or inappropriate hair styles
School reserves the right to decide what is acceptable in terms of hair, jewellery etc on a case-by-case basis and if in any doubt please consult school before allowing your child to have a radical re-style!
Sixth Form students are not expected to wear the school uniform, but should dress appropriately for a school environment.
Students may be sent home if they are not wearing the correct uniform.
Many problems with regard to school dress are caused by parents allowing their child to adopt a loose interpretation of school uniform for the sake of avoiding a confrontation. This is not helpful to school. Please help and support our dress code.
Our full Uniform Policy can be viewed here:
Clothing for PE
The following are required for PE:
- T-shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms & trainers (any colour)
PE classes take place both indoors and outdoors and therefore students should bring clothing as appropriate for weather conditions. Students are required to shower after PE and should bring a towel. On Wednesdays, at certain times of the year, Year 7 students will need to bring a swimming kit for swimming lessons.
Making our uniform affordable
We've purposely opted for a non-branded uniform. Sweatshirts and jumpers do not have to show the school logo and all items can be bought from low-cost retail outlets such as supermarkets.
If your child outgrows uniform that is in good condition and could be re-used, please consider donating it to school. This stock of uniform is available to families who may be struggling to buy items new.
Lost property
Whilst school is in no way liable for any personal items lost or damaged during the day, we do keep a lost property store. It helps if parents label sweatshirts, coats etc with their child's name.