Castle Hill Blog, 05.11.2021
Travel survey
We’re sending home a traffic survey today, on behalf of Stockport Council. The council need the information they’ll gather from this survey to help them plan for increased traffic in and around school when the new Lisburne School opens in autumn 2022. Please help your child to complete the survey and return it to school next week.
Coffee morning
The Together Trust in Cheadle are launching a monthly coffee morning at the Together Trust Centre in Cheadle. The aim is to give parents and carers the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and obtain information and support from their team. Further details can be found here:
Firework safety
Greater Manchester Fire Service visited us this week to deliver assemblies about bonfire and firework safety and anti-social behaviour. If you’re celebrating Bonfire Night or Diwali this weekend please stay safe!
Parent Group
A reminder that if you'd like to get involved with our Parent Group, please phone or email Mrs Johnston: The Parent Group is a chance to meet other parents and carers and find out more about how school operates and the support available.
Alton Towers
It’s great to see things starting to return to normal in terms of trips and residentials. Year 11 students visited Alton Towers this week as the culmination of a maths project centred around rollercoasters (well, that was the excuse they gave me!!!) and our girls’ football team is competing in a tournament next week. Staff are also busy planning a range of residentials for the spring and summer terms. If your child gets a chance to be involved in any of these, please encourage them to do so. Students gain so much from these experiences and when they leave us at the end of Year 11 or 13 residentials are always one of the highlights of school life that they remember most.
Have a great weekend!