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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 10/11/23

As the winter nights close in sometimes this can have a negative effect on our behaviour and we might be feeling low in mood. Exercise has been proven to help with this, therefore our pupil support nurture class have been enjoying the use of our onsite gym this week to give them a boost!

The Gym

Silent Disco

If your child had a fabulous time at the silent disco last week and would like to enjoy another similar experience, our friends at Autisk are running an exciting Christmas themed event!

Water Safety Advice

Although a crisp winter walk by a stream, river or lake can be a wonderful way to clear the mind, please make sure that you consider this advice and remind your child of the dangers of open water.

winterwatersafetyposter 2023 withstrap.pdf

Looking Ahead....Dates for the Diary:



W/c 13th November

Anti-Bullying Week



Mon 13th November



Odd Socks Day (Anti-bullying week)


Diwali themed lunch – can order through ParentPay

Fri 17th November

Children in Need – non-uniform with £1 contribution

Fri 24th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Thurs 7th December


Year 7 & Year 10 Parents’ Evening

Tues 19th December

Christmas Show

(KS3 and HUB at 11am)

(KS4 and KS5 at 1.15pm)

Wed 20th December

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 21st December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

(school finishes at 1pm)

Mon 8th January

Return to school after the holidays

Thurs 25th January


Year 8 and Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Thurs 8th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Pets at Home Visit

To ensure that pupils are adequately prepared for caring for our animals when they arrive in Forest School, Mr Hadley has taken a number of classes to Pets at Home to learn about the food, shelter and care routines they will need.

And Finally...

A MASSIVE thank you to those of you who have donated bags of old clothes to raise money in our Bag2School fundraiser. If you still want to donate you can bring in bags on Monday morning by 9.30am. 

Bag2School Logo – Kingswells Primary School

Have a great weekend!

Wellbeing Award in Schools logo