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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 12/01/24

Contrary to the current icy weather, we would like to wish you a happy new year and a warm welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break! 

Pupil Support, The Pupil Support Class & The Oasis

WE have broadened the support that we are offering pupils into a clearer model  so that we can effectively target and address their needs. There is now a greater emphasis on nurture and preventative interventions. We have employed an additional member of staff to increase the team's capacity. The pupil support team continue to help pupils when they are struggling with their behaviour (whether that is due to emotional deregulation, issues with peers, work set etc). If you would like more details on the updated model please see the attached presentation:

pupil support update for staff jan 24.pdf


If we are to believe the sensationalist newspaper headlines, then we are to expect heavy snow next week. In the unlikely event that this does occur, please be aware that you will be informed via text if School is closed (or closing early if it's during the day). There will also be a message posted on the front page of our website.

Hub Parents/Carers Group

I am delighted that we will be hosting our first ever Hub parent /carers group meeting next week! This is an opportunity for Hub parents/carers to voice successes, air concerns, suggest changes to the current provision and request support. We will have the kettle on and look forward to seeing you there!


I am immensely proud of some of our sixth form students who have been working hard to improve on their previous English qualifications and results. In November, out of those who sat the level 1 Functional Skills exams nearly all of them passed. Also, a special mention must be given to James Eyre who achieved a level in his GCSE English Language exam. Well done!

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Wed 17th January

Last year’s Year 11 and Year 13 certificate collection

(3-4pm in the Vocation Centre)

Thurs 25th January


Year 8 and Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Wed 7th Feb


Sixth Form Open Event for Year 10s

Thurs 8th Feb


Year 9 and 6th Form Parents’ Evening

Thurs 8th Feb


Lost Property in the School Reception

Fri 9th Feb


Break up for half term holidays

(Rewards afternoon – school finishes at 2.45pm)

Mon 19th Feb

INSET day – no pupils in

Tues 20th Feb

Pupils return after the half term holidays

Fri 23rd Feb

Whole School Sponsored Welly Walk in PM

(more details to follow)

Wed 20th – Fri 22nd March

Year 11 London Residential

Thurs 21st March

World Down Syndrome Day – odd socks

Mon 25th – Wed 27th March

Year 7 Kingswood Residential

Thurs 28th March

Break up for Easter holidays

Rewards morning and school finishes at 1pm

Mon 15th April

Return after the Easter holidays

Tues 16th & Wed 17th April

Year 11 GCSE Art exam

W/c 22nd April

Year 11 Work Experience week

And Finally...

I was proudly showing some visitors around our school yesterday when I  came across Tia Chan in Year 11 creating this masterpiece on the computer in her ICT lesson. The class were developing the use of different brush styles and the colour wheel. They were encouraged to find a character that they would like to draw and use the primary colours / brush style needed to recreate the character.  The primary aim  of the activity was to develop pupils' fine motor skills. 

Have a great weekend!

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