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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 14.10.2022

Non-uniform day

Friday 21st October is the last day of this half-term and will be a non-uniform day. But instead of asking for the usual cash donation, we'd like pupils to bring in an item for our Christmas Fair. So, we're asking for:

  • Years 7 & 8 to bring in chocolates or sweets that we can use as prizes on our Chocolate Tombola.
  • Years 9 - 11 to bring in a bottles of some sort (alcohol, soft drink, toiletries etc) that we can use as prizes on our Bottle Tombola.

If you're struggling to find anything then please send a donation of £1 with which we can then buy prizes. 

The Christmas Fair itself will take place on Saturday 3rd December from 10.00-12.00 and we'll be sending out more information after the half term break. 

Parent Group

Our Parent Group is run by our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Johnston and the first meeting of this school year will take place on Wednesday 2nd November from 9.30-11.30am. This is an informal group, which aims to offer parents and carers a chance to share their experiences, learn more about how school operates and explore ways in which they can support their children and school. If you'd like to join the group please contact Mrs Johnston by phone or email: pauline.johnston@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk

Caring for Children

We strive to make all of our lessons as hands-on and relevant as possible and this was certainly the case when Mrs Smolka brought her daughter in to her Year 10, Caring for Children class this week. the students did a great job of keeping her entertained!


Youth Mental Health First Aid

As part of our ongoing commitment to positive Mental Health and Wellbeing across the school, four members of staff have just completed a 2-day Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training course through MFHA England. 

Youth MHFA provides teachers and frontline professionals working with young people the skills and confidence to spot common signs and triggers of mental health issues, as well as the knowledge and confidence to help. It also provides practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues, the confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress. 

If you have any questions about this, please email the team on: pupilwellbeing@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk  

In the coming weeks a further four members of staff will be undertaking the MHFA training and then we are investing in further training for all of our school staff on spotting the early signs of Mental Health and removing the stigma and barriers surrounding Mental Health. 

Extreme Reading!
The library team have put together an Extreme Reading Challenge. To enter send them a photo of your child reading in an unusual place... the more unusual the better. There will prizes for the best entry and all photos will go on display in the library. Email entries to ann.bosett@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk by Friday 4th November. 

And to kick us off, here's an early entry from Harry and Snow Queen! But what are they reading???


Happy reading and have a great weekend!

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