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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 16.06.2021

Welcome to the first post on our new Castle Hill Blog!

The aim of this blog is to provide parents, carers and the wider school community with weekly updates on what's going on in school and share key information. 


Farewell Year 11

We said goodbye to the majority of our Year 11 students last Friday. They've been a fantastic year group, who've shown real maturity and resilience in dealing with the Covid disruptions over the past 18 months. They've also missed out on many of the activities and events, such as residentials, trips and of course a prom, which make Year 11 special. Our Leavers' Assembly was an opportunity to reflect on their five years with us (including embarrassing them with photos from when they were baby-faced Year 7s) and present them with their Records of Achievement. After the formal proceedings were out of the way, they had a day of celebrations, which included shirt-signing, football, beauty pampering, pizza and zorbing. If you're not sure what the latter involves then check out this tweet:


We wish all our Year 11 students, whether they're staying on to our 6th Form or moving on to college or apprenticeships, the very best of luck. They'll be a hard act to follow! We'd also like to thank all parents and carers of Year 11 students for their trust and support over the past 5 years. 

Year 7 sleepover 

The Year 7 team haven't let a global pandemic stop them from organising some fun activities over the past few weeks, including trips to Chester Zoo and Reddish Vale Farm. Each form group has also been offered a very unique overnight activity, involving a Friday of outdoor fun at Linnet Clough Activity Centre followed by an 'indoor camping' sleepover in school. 7T kicked things off last week and the other three form groups will have their turns over the next few weeks. We'll try to get a few photos for next week's blog.

Covid guidance

With the Government delaying the easing of Covid restrictions until 19th July, we'll be maintaining our current Covid precautions through to the end of term.

In response to the increase in Covid cases across Greater Manchester, Public Health Stockport have made a couple of recommendations for schools:

  • They are encouraging students in secondary schools to wear face coverings, especially in busy communal areas. We support this, but are very aware that many of our students are exempt from wearing face coverings.
  • They have asked that in the event of any student or member of staff coming into contact with a positive case of Covid, they should book a PCR test immediately, even if they have no symptoms of Covid themselves. If the result of this test is negative they should still complete the 10 day self-isolation period. 

Breakfast Club

We've reopened Breakfast Club this week, for students in Years 9 and 10 who travel to school independently. It's open from 8.00am and all items (hot drinks, toast, cereal etc) cost 50p. Students can also use their credits to buy items. 

Last day of term

Just in case you'd not realised, school will finish at 1.00pm on the last day of term, Wednesday 21st July. School taxis/minibuses are aware of this arrangement. 


That's it for now folks! This blog is very much a work in progress and we're not quite sure how it will evolve, we'd certainly like to include a few photos in future posts. If you've any feedback, or suggestions of what you'd like to see included, please email: glyn.thomas@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk.

Have a great week!


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