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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog 20/09/24

One of the most important aspects of our school which makes it so successful is the engagement and support that we receive from our parents and carers. Therefore I am very proud to announce that we have earned re-accreditation of the Leading Parent Partnership Award. I would like to particularly mention  Laura Agnew who worked incredibly hard to pull all of the evidence together and who coordinated the inspection. Please click on the link below to read the full report.

Leading Parent Partnership Award Report 2024

Time for Tea

As part of the Year 10 Asdan course, pupils are required to 'entertain' a group of people. They learned how to safely and hygienically prepare hot drinks and then use appropriate body language and verbal exchange to provide a host service. They then had to seek feedback from their customers. Well done to everyone involved!

Caring For Children

Anthony has been working incredibly hard in his Caring for Children lessons. Today he finished all of his work and started the extension task of recreating a childhood book. He worked so hard on his Gruffalo book design, I can’t wait to see the finished product!

Looking Ahead...Dates for the Diary:



Wed 25th September


Post 18 information event at school

Fri 27th September

Macmillan Coffee Morning (details to follow)

Wed 16th October

Flu vaccinations (details to follow)

Fri 18th October

Break up for October half term holidays

Mon 28th October

Return to school after the holidays

Thursday 31st October

HPV Vaccinations (more details to follow)

Non-uniform day (donation for Christmas Fayre)

Halloween disco 4.00-5.30pm (more details to follow)

W/c 11th November

Anti-Bullying Week


Mon 11th November

Bag2school Collection

Tues 12th November

Odd Socks Day – Anti Bullying Week

Wed 20th November


Blood Brothers GCSE Drama trip

Fri 29th November

INSET day (no pupils in school)

Wed 4th December

Year 9 Immunisations

Thursday 5th December


Year 7 and 10 Parents’ Evening

Sat 7th December


Castle Hill Christmas Fayre

Mon 16th December

Pantomime Theatre Performance In School

(more details to follow)

Wed 18th December

Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day

Thurs 19th  December

Break up for the Christmas holidays

Mon 6th January

Return to school after the holidays

And Finally...

In Mrs Ford's incredibly inspirational KS4 Entry Level Certificate science lessons this week,  they have discussed the adaptations of a cactus and how these help them to grow and survive in a very hot and dry habitat. The pupils have then created these marvellous ‘models’ of their own cacti to demonstrate the knowledge they have learnt. Sadly I think that the recent hot spell we have had here is in its departure so get those umbrellas and winter woollies at the ready.

 Have a great weekend!

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