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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 22.10.2021

Covid update

In response to rising numbers of Covid cases across Stockport, the Local Authority are asking that secondary schools re-introduce the wearing of face coverings for students and staff in busy communal areas (but not in lessons). As a school we will encourage this, but are well aware that many students have specific needs that would make the wearing of face coverings difficult. Students will not be challenged or punished if they choose not wear a face covering. 

The Local Authority are also asking that families increase the use of lateral flow tests. Their advice is: 'People who live with someone who currently has COVID-19 have the highest risk of catching and passing on the virus. Should anyone in your house get COVID-19, It would assist us in reducing infection rates in school, if you could test everyone else in the household, including any child who is in Year 3 or above, daily for 10 days. If the test is positive, we would ask you to keep whoever has tested positive away from school (self-isolate) and book a PCR test.'

You can read the Local Authorities full advice here: Letter from Local Authority

Public Health Stockport are also offering drop-in vaccinations for young people aged 12-15 who missed the in-school vaccination. The following letter gives more details:

Vaccination letter


Parent Group

We'd like to re-start our Parent group, which had to be put on hold at the start of the Covid pandemic. The group is run by our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Johnston, and she'd like to gauge parents' interest in taking part. If you think this is something you'd like to get involved with then please email her at: pauline.johnston@castlehill.stockport.sch.uk. Specific questions are:

  • Are you interested in taking part?
  • Which day of the week and time of day would suit you best for meetings? 
  • Have you any suggestions for what you'd like the group to cover eg. talks from specific services who work with families, a forum for sharing personal experiences and useful activities in the community or just a chance to meet other parents for a chat. 


Wear Red Day

School looked very red today as students and staff joined in 'Wear Red Day' in support of 'Show Racism the Red Card'. Many thanks to all of you who supported us with this, we'll let you know how much we raised after the break. 


Lunch menu

We're launching our new lunch menu on Monday 1st November. It's a three-week menu with hot and cold options. You can view the full menu here: School lunches


Enjoy the break!

It's been a busy and very productive half-term. It's been brilliant to see school operating as near to normal as we've had for a couple of years and students enjoying their learning. School re-opens on Monday 1st November.

Have a fantastic week!


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