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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill Blog, 24.06.2022

Goodbye Year 13

The first Covid lockdown, back in March 2020, robbed our current Year 13 students of their Year 11 leavers' celebrations. It was therefore great to be able to make their last day in Year 13 something special.  Mrs Jones organised a celebration morning and students were presented with their Records of Achievement and personalised Oscar awards!

We wish everyone in this fantastic year group all the very best of luck and look forward to hearing of their continued successes beyond Castle Hill. 


Towards the end of next week, we will be letting students know who their new form teacher for September will be. We're then having a 'move up morning' on Thursday 7th July, when students will spend a lesson with their new form teacher and receive their timetable for 2022-23. Parents and carers will also be sent a letter of introduction from their child's new form teacher, before the end of term.

We've a few events and activities to signpost this week:

Calling all budding actors?

Alderley and Wilmslow Musical Theatre Company have contacted us to say that they currently casting for their November production of A Christmas Carol, and they are looking for talented youngsters to take part.

They're holding a workshop on Sunday 26 June, 2-4pm, at Wilmslow Leisure Centre, for children 8-15. They will be looking to cast some main roles, such as Tiny Tim, as well as minor roles and ensemble.

More information can be found on their website at www.awmtc.org/our-next-show.

SKylight Holiday Club

SKylight Holiday Club is an exciting project which offers children accessing free school meals, or who were classed as otherwise vulnerable, a free day of fun activities including breakfast, healthy snacks, lunch, and an ingredient pack to take home which will provide a hot meal for at least four people.

sk holidayclub poster jun22 v2.pdf

 You can find an online booking form here:

SKylight booking form


 Autisk Gaming and VR drop-in 


Have a great weekend!



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