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Castle Hill High School

Strike Action, Tuesday 28th February

INSET day and Strike Action

As you'll be aware, members of the NEU teaching union will be striking again on Tuesday 28th February. This will have a massive impact upon us and we expect over 25 teachers not to be in school on that day. We have therefore had to take the difficult decision to close school to all pupils in years 7-11, except for a small number whose parents and carers have already been notified. As on the previous strike day, pupils who receive free school meals will be sent a voucher by text or email.

As Monday 27th February is an INSET day, this means that most pupils will return to school after the half-term break, on Wednesday 1st March.

Years 12 and 13 will be in school as normal on Tuesday 28th February. 

No after-school clubs will be running on Tuesday 28th February.

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