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Castle Hill High School


We've been asked by the Local Authority Transport Team to share the following message with parents and carers of those pupils eligible for authority funded transport: 

In our efforts to continue to review and improve our home to school transport service for students and families, we have collaborated closely with Castle Hill High School and 1919 Taxis and Minibuses to agree set processes to maintain appropriate and safe behaviour on school transport, and to improve communication between all parties.  

From Feb 2022, we will be implementing a seating plan for students on each vehicle. This not only provides consistency for all students each day but also allows for quick and easy identification of any student absence.   

With the support of school staff we are also aiming to promote appropriate standards of behaviour by pupils on their journey to and from school through rewarding positive behaviour. Pupils who display positive behaviour will earn credit rewards as they already do in school. Pupils who exhibit negative or unsafe behaviours whilst travelling such as; not following instructions by staff or removing their seatbelts and leaving their seats will be reported back to the SEND Transport Team to be formally recorded. 

Parents and school will be notified of any negative or concerning behaviour with a Stage 1 notification. If there are further incidents reported, a Stage 2 notification will be given to parents. Following this, any other reports will then result in a Stage 3 notification at which point travel can be withdrawn, either for a temporary period, or permanently for more serious or repeated cases of unsafe or concerning behaviour. Copies of the notification letters can be found below. 

We feel that implementing these measures consistently across all vehicles will result in a better experience for all pupils. It is crucial that all pupils can be transported safely so we strongly encourage parents/carers to ensure that, where possible, your child is aware of appropriate behaviour whilst travelling to and from school. We have attached a copy of the parent guide for home to school transport should you require further guidance. 

Thank you for your ongoing support, 


David Booth 

School Transport Technical Lead



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