At Castle Hill High School, PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) is considered paramount to our students’ personal development, health and well-being. PSHE helps students to develop life skills to ensure they are well prepared to respect and contribute to the wider society and life in Britain. High expectations are set for the promotion of tolerance, understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities in which we live.
The following documents outline the concepts and skills covered within our PSHCE curriculum under the three main themes: ‘health and wellbeing’, ‘relationships’ and ‘living in the wider world’, as recommended by the PSHE Association. They also include references to cross curricular links such as our computing and careers lessons and our ‘Pupil Voice’ weekly form time sessions.
Further details of the PSHE curriculum for each year group can be found in our Curriculum Booklet:
Our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy can be viewed here:
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
The Department for Education have published the following guide for parents:
Understanding Relationships, Sex & health Education